Monday, June 20, 2011

It's time...

A little over three months after my original decision to serve in Guatemala this summer and I'm two days away from being there, one day away from loading my bag in the car and driving away. The Lord has been so faithful! After the original plans changed, then changed again, then changed some more, He still provided wonderful opportunities that I'm very excited about!

My schedule in Guatemala looks like:
June 23-July 14: Living and serving at Casa Bernabe Orphanage
July 15-July 18: Visiting Jocotan Village with Mr. and Mrs. Cebeira (the wonderfully generous grandparents of a good friend of mine)
July 19-August 12: Living with the Cebeira's and serving at The Potter's House at the Guatemala City dump
August 13-August 20: Spending a week with my sister, Andrea and our good friend, Zach at the Cebeira's and Antigua.

As all my plans were in flux, so was my budget. The amount I needed kept growing...but so did the donations I received. God's faithfulness through people around me has been incredible! Individuals that I did not even know a couple months ago have blessed me immensely.

Today, I'm packing and wrapping up last minute details. As I prepare to meet up with Jami and as we travel to Guatemala this week I ask that you would keep us in your prayers. The plans I've been making for months are now a reality. I'm very excited, but also aware of the enormity of the two months that are in front of me now. I'm praying for safety, health, spiritual strength and emotional strength as Jami and I spend time with the kids at Casa Bernabe and as I serve with The Potter's House.

The Lord is faithful and He is so good.


  1. Thank you for the update! It is exciting and encouraging to see what the Lord is doing in your life Lauren. Thank you for sharing, and letting us be a part of it. :) - Min

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you embark on this adventure, hand in hand with the Lord. May He guide you on your journey.

    The Wetzels
