Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Noun: confidence or trust in a person or thing

For about a full year now, the Lord has been teaching me one thing in particular: faith. This word is thrown around: "walk of faith," "our Christian faith," and "believe in faith." But what does it really mean?

It is used so much because it is so is the cornerstone of the Christian life. Indeed, I know that I have "faith" because I believe in the unseen. I believe in the inerrant Word of God. I believe in Jesus and His life and ministry.

Yet, I didn't fully understand what it means to act in faith. Ethics means "rules of conduct." They are not things we only believe with our minds, but we act in accordance with them. However we behave shows what ethics we hold to. The ethical dimension of the Christian faith is how we live it out. How it changes our behavior. True faith requires action.

I had belief, freely and readily speaking the Truth of God's power, provision, and love, but I often did not act as if I actually believed He can do whatever He wants. In the gospel, a woman approaches Jesus unknown to Him. She believes that if she simply touches the hem of His garment, she will be healed. Instead of simply stating this, or believing it with her heart, she ACTED on it. She moved her physical body in unison with the movement of her mind and heart.

Jesus discovered her and seeing her faith told her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace." Her faith allowed God to heal her. Her believe and the action of faith, gave God the opportunity to simply prove Himself once again. What if we never give God the opportunity to prove Himself and His magnificent love and power?

This is what the Lord has been teaching me. This is what the Lord has already been doing with my time in Guatemala, before I have even left. This is what my God is about--redeeming my doubt by showing me how to live faithfully, then giving me an opportunity to do so. When I first asked Him about this trip He showed me Hebrews 11. The entire chapter is filled with examples of those who acted on faith, true faith, and let God work through them to do incredible exploits: Abraham, Noah, Moses, and many others. Hebrews 11:1 says, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."

At the beginning of this process, I worried that I would have difficulty raising the funds to go. Knowing that my financial resources were almost non-existent, as is usually the case for a college student, I was concerned that I would not be able to get the money I needed once I had committed to going. In response, the Lord has blessed my efforts. I don't have all I need yet, but He has provided in ways that I never imagined. Having been blessed by friends, family, and my church family in ways I had not planned on, I understand more about how the Lord powerfully provides for those who follow His will.

I have also wondered if my health and safety would be issues. But upon questioning God, He gave me peace that His protection covers me in every way-financially, spiritually, and physically. I have been wise to seek advice from people who have been to Guatemala before. I will continue to speak with doctors and make smart decisions about my housing and travel, but I have again been reassured by God: "by faith, Lauren, walk by faith."

Now, I am in need for the trip. The family with whom I was planning on staying can no longer house me. They are disappointed about this, as am I. More than that, I began to worry. Then He reminds me once again: "by faith." So I know that the Lord will provide. No matter the outcome, I know His plans are bigger, better, and He often gives more abundantly than we expect or ask.

I'm often not very good at this, but He is faithful when we are faithful. What a promise!

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